Friday, May 22, 2020

DTS Community Classroom

Don't forget to checkout the DTS Community Classroom every week. 

Bored? Do know what to do today? There are videos, activities and ideas on the following things:
Band, Music, Challenges, Yoga, Art, Recipes, Staying Active, Dance, Construction, and just Random, Funny things.

Workout with Mr. T, go outside with Mr. Beaudoin, challenge Ms. Hidalgo and see what Ms. Strickland, Mr. Soliman, Ms. Khoo and Ms. Turner are up to!

Class Code = d2fc66m

Friday, May 1, 2020

Choose your Option classes!


The deadline for option requests has been extended from today, May 1 to Monday, May 4. After this deadline courses will be selected for you. Please follow the link below for information on how to select your courses in PowerSchool and for a list and descriptions of the options being offered for next year.